Rein Process Equipment offers cost-effective solutions for H2S removal from natural gas by Iron Sponge Process

14 / 08 / 2020 By Admin 2350 Views
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Rein Process Equipment, the division of REIN, focuses of design, fabrication and supplying natural gas treatment system, such as gas sweetening units, gas dehydration system, NGL units, as well as other solutions for natural gas production and processing. 

Rein Process Equipment also offers wide variety of solutions for gas sweetening (gas desulfurization). One of the widely applied processes is Iron sponge process. Iron Sponge Process is not new and has been applied during natural gas production for several decades. Rein has several main advantages over other companies who supply H2S Scavenger units for both for domestic and international projects. Rein has strong engineering team, which consists of experienced and qualified process engineers, mechanical engineers, E & I engineers. Another advantage of Rein is ability to guarantee gas treatment, handling high flow rates and high pressure. Last but not least, Rein offers cost-effective technical solutions and equipment, which can equally compete with famous solid bed scavenger supplied in international market. Rein can achieve lower cost price, while meeting process requirements because of highly efficient production capabilities in China and ability of process engineers to be diversified in many other solutions. Rein’s scope is not limited to H2S Scavengers but also focuses on other solution. Two main factors allow Rein to reach process performance, proper calculation and design of unit, as well as properly chosen iron sponge (ferric iron oxide) which passed Rein’s R&D. Each batch is tested in laboratory to ensure consistence of each supply and process. Rein offers small, mid and big size Solid Bed Scavengers for gas desulfurization. We can handle flowrate up to 29 000 Nm3/d., pressure up to 10 MPa, amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) up to 9900 ppm. Hydrogen sulfide will be reduced below 5 ppm. 

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Rein offers quality and cost-effective solutions for gas desulfurization. We mainly focus on natural gas treatment, where industry requires high professional approach and precision. Each solution will be simulated, calculated and properly designed, avoiding unwanted issues caused with unit operations and process performance. We use quality iron sponge with high amount of iron concentration for better and efficient reaction to trap large amounts of H2S. Feel free to contact REIN for more technical assistance and quote for Solid Bed Scavengers and Iron Sponge Products. Rein sells whole system, including adsorbent beds (process columns), valves, instruments, piping, skid, control devices, as well as iron sponges, which are shipped either in 800 kg big bag or 25 kg small bags. 

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