Rein Wellhead Equipment delivers 6 sets of oilfield Christmas trees and wellhead assemblies for natural gas production fields in China

20 / 07 / 2020 By Admin 740 Views
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Rein Wellhead Equipment (REIN WE) is a leading engineering and manufacturing company based on China delivers six sets of oilfield Christmas trees and wellhead assemblies for natural gas processor in Yan’an oilfield.

Wellhead assemblies and x-mad trees are designed to handle high pressure rating (10K) and made from sour services construction materials. Our client is very satisfied with delivery period, quality of products and services, as well as fast delivery period. 

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Rein expects to delivery additional well control systems and blowout prevention equipment in fourth quarter of 2020. Feel free to contact REIN WE for technical assistance and quotation. REIN WE designs and supplies wide range of products as per API 6A, API 16C, API 16A. Rein also supplies complete flowback equipment, surface well testing equipment, sand management equipment, hydraulic systems (ESD and SSV), and many other products for oilfield.

If you require any further information,feel free to contact us

We would be glad to provide you immediate technical assistance and cost-effective proposal!


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