REIN is ready to supply AFK X-mas Trees and OKK Wellheads as per Russian standards

12 / 09 / 2019 By Admin 800 Views

· AFK types: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6

· Pressure rating: 14-135 MPa (2000-20000 psi)

· Material Class as per API: AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF


The Christmas tree serves several functions, the main of which are: hold on to the weight of the column tubing lowered into the well, and with two - row Elevator- two columns; sealing annular spaces and their mutual isolation; providing the possibility of regulating the mode of operation well within the prescribed limits, continuity; study of wells by measuring the parameters of its work inside her, and on the surface.


Failure, and even more so the destruction of the fountain valves leads not only to disruption of the operation of the well, but also to accidents, open gushing.


The creation and mass production of fountain valves for wells of great depths (5000-7000 m) at reservoir pressures other than normal, and the flow rates from several hundred to thousands of cubic meters per day of liquid or millions of cubic meters per day of gas with a high content of abrasive and aggressive components with high temperatures becomes a task of great scientific, engineering and production complexity. Modern fountain valves are the result of many years of work by designers and manufacturers to improve the wellhead equipment of this type of production well. 

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