Rein Wellhead Equipment supplies High-pressure Cyclonic Wellhead Desander for oilfield in Chengdu, China

10 / 06 / 2020 By Admin 1762 Views

Rein Wellhead Equipment designs and supplies high-pressure cyclonic wellhead desander for the oil & gas development project in Chengdu, China. Wellhead Desander was successfully delivered and installed. Currently, the client of Rein Wellhead Equipment is incredibly pleased with price, delivery period, quality of desander, as well as with Rein’s oilfield services. Rein Wellhead Equipment ensures good price and quality product conforming with API 6A, ASME VIII DIV 1 & 2, as well as other local and international standards, such as DNV, ISO, API 6A, API 6D.


Below is the basic information of Cyclonic Wellhead Desanders

Rein Wellhead Equipment supplies High-pressure Cyclonic Wellhead Desander for oilfield in Chengdu, China_01.png

Cyclonic Wellhead Desander is designed to separate sands, solids from natural gas and crude oil streams by applying centrifugal and gravitational forces. Special conical design of desander housing with cyclone inserts create very effective cyclonic and gravitational forces inside of the desander housing section, driving heavy substances, such as sands downwards, while lighter substances, such as hydrocarbon liquids and gases flows out from the top of the desander housing. Cyclone desanders can be designed for various pressure rating depending on the client’s requirements. Rein is capable to supply desanders for pressure rating up to 15000 psi. Rein’s Wellhead Desanders are capable to handle flowrates up to 5000 BOPD. Construction material class is DD or EE. Configuration depends on the client’s requirements. Rein Wellhead Equipment can offer customization of the desanders based on the client’s working and environment conditions.

Desander inserts 

Rein Wellhead Equipment supplies High-pressure Cyclonic Wellhead Desander for oilfield in Chengdu, China_02.png

Desander inserts are special internals contained in desander housing and made from duplex or alloy steel to provide reliable services and efficiency solid separations. It can be coated with tungsten carbide (15-30 microns). Rein Wellhead Equipment designs desander inserts and supplies additional sets as part of after-sales service. 

If you require any further information,feel free to contact us

We would be glad to provide you immediate technical assistance and cost-effective proposal!


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