After long period of technical discussion with the client, finally order was placed in 2019. Today, 14.12.2019, Our 4-Valve Choke Manifold with CE/PED certification will launch for Europe to serve our client and its end-user for their well test operation. REIN also received additional orders for many wellhead equipment and still working on technical and business development of the company.
Basic information of Choke Manifolds.
The choke manifold is flow control device used in well testing for reduction and/or control of flow pressure. The choke manifold consists of gate valves, high-pressure fittings, chokes, pressure gauge, connections and skid. The choke manifold is designed based on the operator’s condition, but usually designed as 4- or 5-valve assembly. Chokes, either adjustable or fixed, are used to achieve desired flow rate during testing.