REIN ensures fast delivery period because of rich stock of wellhead prefabricated parts

06 / 12 / 2019 By Admin 953 Views
/imgs/news/REIN_ensures_fast_delivery_period_because_of rich_stock_of_wellhead_prefabricated_parts_Rein_Wellhead_Equipment.jpg

Rein Wellhead Equipmentalways keeps wellhead and high-pressure valve components in stock to ensure fast delivery period to the oilfield operating companies. Prefabricated materials are produced by the certified Chinese mills and have EN standard certificates. Each item that enters the workshop warehouse is subject to strict quality check as per API 6A and API 16C standards. Because of constant orders from the international and domestic clients, as well as knowledge of REIN for oilfield demand, REIN prefers to keep stock of standard wellhead equipment parts.


REIN welcomes your inquiries for wellhead equipment, as well as its parts when replacement is needed in oilfield facility. 

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